Learn everything you need to know about window glass replacement, including how to find the right replacement glass, tips for DIY repairs, and when to call in the professionals.

Window Glass Replacement: Your Comprehensive Guide

Are you dealing with a broken window and wondering whether to repair or replace it? Window glass replacement can be a daunting task, but it’s essential to maintain the safety and functionality of your home. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about window glass replacement, from finding the right replacement glass to tips for DIY repairs and when to call in the professionals.

window glass replacement

Types of Window Glass

Before you begin your window glass replacement project, you’ll need to know what type of glass you’re working with. Here are the most common types of window glass:

Float Glass: This is the most common type of window glass, and it’s used in most residential and commercial windows. It’s made by floating molten glass on a bed of molten metal, which creates a smooth and uniform surface.

Tempered Glass: This type of glass is up to four times stronger than float glass and is used in areas where safety is a concern, such as in doors and shower enclosures. When tempered glass breaks, it shatters into small, round pieces that are less likely to cause injury.

Laminated Glass: This type of glass is made by sandwiching a layer of plastic between two layers of glass. It’s commonly used in car windshields and can also be used in windows for added security and noise reduction.

Finding the Right Replacement Glass

When it comes to window glass replacement, finding the right replacement glass is crucial. Here are some factors to consider:

Glass Type: As we mentioned above, there are several types of window glass, so make sure you choose the right one for your needs.

Size and Thickness: Measure the size of your window and the thickness of the existing glass to ensure a proper fit.

Energy Efficiency: If you’re replacing windows in an older home, consider choosing glass with a low-e coating to improve energy efficiency and reduce heating and cooling costs.

DIY Window Glass Replacement

If you’re handy around the house, you may be able to tackle a window glass replacement project on your own. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Safety First: Always wear gloves and eye protection when working with glass.

Remove the Old Glass: Use a putty knife to remove the old glazing and pry the glass out of the frame.

Install the New Glass: Apply a new bead of glazing compound to the frame and gently press the new glass into place.

When to Call in the Professionals

While DIY window glass replacement can be a cost-effective option, it’s not always the best choice. Here are some situations when you should call in the professionals:

Large or High Windows: If you’re dealing with a large or high window, it’s best to leave the job to the professionals.

Multiple Windows: If you need to replace several windows, it may be more efficient to hire a professional to get the job done quickly.

Unfamiliar with the Process: If you’re not comfortable working with glass or don’t have the necessary tools, it’s best to call in the professionals.


Window glass replacement can be a challenging task, but with the right information and tools, you can tackle it successfully. Whether you choose to go the DIY route or call in the professionals, it’s essential to prioritize safety and choose the right replacement glass for your needs. With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions and keep your home safe. In any case, five star glass experts are ready to guide you.